AHJS Parent Teacher Organization
The AHJS PTO is excited to welcome you all to the 2024-25 school year! As always, we are committed to finding ways to best support our students, teachers and staff!
Throughout the school year, the AHJS PTO sponsors numerous events and activities for our students, our staff, and the Alamo Heights community. Your support through dues, donations, time, talent, and energy helps us to continue building the AHJS Community. We love that our school and district have always excelled at providing an enriching and nurturing learning environment for all of our children.
We are excited to work together to tackle any challenges and to find the best ways to stand with our teachers and staff at AHJS. We are hopeful that you are ready and willing to join us too!
Our Executive Team is featured below (for job description click here) This dedicated team provides leadership throughout the year for our various committees. Interested in volunteering with the AHJS PTO? Contact us!
Vice President of Communications & Literacy
Vice President of Fundraising
Vice President of Student Services
Vice President of Support Projects
Assistant Treasurer
The Dear Family
The Berry Family
The Bruton Family
Camille & Chad Chamberlain
The Brian King Family
The McGuire Family
The Meabon Family
The Onken Family
The Rohlfs Family
The Stroope Family
The Seth Family
The Taber Family
Katherine & Kris Trumble